Any baggage that you desire you send through cargo shipping will be treated as an unaccompanied baggage. Regardless, a free allowance in such case cannot be considered in the case of baggage clearance and is reasonably charged to the customs duty at 35% Ad valorem + 3% Education Cess. In addition to this, only personal items including items like all used items of personal wear including shirts, suits, shoes, shoe brush & polish, blouses, sarees, undergarments, pants, neckties, handkerchiefs, dentures, gloves, cosmetics in use, towels, toiletries, bedding, blankets, used bedding, umbrella, walking sticks, used shoes, hair dryer, hearing aid, shaving kit, spectacles, one watch etc. can be imported free of duty. Application of the Baggage Rules are also extended to an unaccompanied baggage except where they have been specifically excluded from the cargo shipment. An unaccompanied baggage must be in the personal possession abroad at the destination of the passenger mandatorily and shall be dispatched within one month of his/her arrival in India or within further reasonable period as and when the Deputy / Assistant Commissioner of Customs may allow. The unaccompanied baggage may land in India two months before the arrival of the passenger himself/herself or within such period, but under no circumstance exceeding one year.
If you are an Indian citizen who has stayed abroad for more than two years and your short visits to India are less than 180 days in total within the last 2 years, you are eligible to claim the Concessional rate of duty under Transfer of Residence.
We, the team of dedicated OSL representatives, present ourselves at your service for the Shipping and Import Customs Clearance of Personal Effects arrived as Unaccompanied Baggage by Sea Cargo or Air Cargo. Our agents and consultants will guide you step by step fo the baggage custom clearance by air and baggage custom clearance by sea.
Our sea baggage clearance is highly reliable and we are one of the leading companies which provide you the smoothest and the most affordable method of ocean baggage clearance. Here, at OSL, we will help you in baggage clearance by sea and air to set your mind at peace and take your least time and minimum effort and involvement in the whole process. OSL has the luxurious facility to handle the baggage clearance received in containers. At the destination, when the container that has been shipped is de-stuffed and the goods of the cargo are examined for the clearance and examined by the Customs office, the customer is required to submit the necessary documents to the customs and the port authorities. This whole process will also be taken care by us. The importer needs to submit import application and pay the cargo charges and delivery order to the port authorities. After Customs clearance, the importer shall submit Baggage Declaration, for taking delivery of goods.
The tedious process of submission of the papers and getting the customs to clear your baggage will be our responsibility and we assure you our best service.